Konferencja TestFlix
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TestFlix dąży do stworzenia prawdziwie globalnej wirtualnej sceny, na której testerzy oprogramowania z wielu krajów będą mogli dzielić się swoją wiedzą poprzez nagrane wcześniej Atomic Talks. Atomowe rozmowy z definicji mają być małe, ale potężne i na tym polega cała idea.

Wyobraź sobie, że możesz wyciągnąć wnioski ze 100 takich przemówień splecionych razem. Naszym celem jest wypełnienie naszej listy mówców z ponad 40 krajów i zapewnienie im globalnej publiczności w postaci tysięcy testerów, podczas gdy publiczność doświadcza niesamowitego wydarzenia, które trwa 15 godzin i obejmuje kilka stref czasowych.

Usiądź wygodnie, zrelaksuj się i obejrzyj, gdy przedstawiamy Ci TestFlix.

Co się wydarzy?

Ponad 100 mówców z ponad 40 krajów podzieliło się swoimi przemyśleniami poprzez nagrane wcześniej filmy.
Ponad 100 wyselekcjonowanych Atomic Talks, z których każda trwa ~ 8 minut (połączonych razem). 
Całkowicie bezpłatne uczestnictwo. 

Mówcy i ich prezentacje

Aakruti Shukla Context Driven Practices
Aaron Hodder Technican and Non-Technical: A false dichotomy
Adam Auerbach Leading a Testing Revolution
Adam Matłacz Creativity in testing
Adou Wilfried N'guettia RPA and the future for tester
Aishwarya V My Journey as a “Freelance Rockstar"
Ajay Balamurugadas A-Z in Testing
Alan Page Three Paths to Better Developer Testing
Alan Richardson Absolutes in language and how they apply to Software Testing
Ali Hill Testers! Aim to Enable
Ali Khalid A test strategy that actually works
Amy Jo Esser Habits + Deliberate Practice = Mastery
Anand Bagmar Stop the Retries in Tests & Reruns of Failing Test
Anna Royzman Leadership Potential: Do You Have it?
Anuradha Biswas Shift-Left in Digital Accessibility .....
Anwar El-Wakil Curiosity - A tester's most powerful tool
Aprajita Mathur Test like an Architect
Arslan Ali The First Step in Software Testing - A talk for youngsters
Ashok Thiruvengadam 8 things I do to solve problems creatively
Asmaa Refat Abu Al Failat QA in Agile environment
Astrid Winkler Emotional Intelligence for Testers
Babatunde Oduniyi F*A*I*L (First Attempt in Learning: The story of a nervous tester to a curious tester)
Belinda Goodman How living my companies 5 core values has made me a better QA
Beth Marshall On The Power Of Reputation
Brijesh Deb Biases Driving 5 Misconceptions that Testers Face
Carlos Kidman Deliver & Measure Automation ROI
Chris Kenst Using Test Idea Catalogs for Better Testing
Christina Thalayasingam Full-Stack Testing Ethos for a Progressive Team
Deepthi K LOGS - Learning Output to build and maintain a Good System
Dorothy Graham The Art of Asking "Stupid" Questions”
Eran Kinsbruner Test Strategy for Progressive Web Apps (PWA)
Erika Chestnut Manual Testing is Not Dead: Just the Definition
Faiz Modi Qualities of a Good TESTER
Federico Toledo How leaders can keep testers motivated?
Gaurav Khurana Do more with a keypress
Gaurav Mahajan Emotional Intelligence @ software testing
Helena Jeret-Mäe Peer Power, or How to Make Use of Your Peers
Huib Schoots Quality Acceleration: delivering quality software at speed
Hür İbrahim Sakman Evolving of test automation past to present
Igor Samokys How to be more productive
Ilari Henrik Aegerter These 3 Career Advices Sound Easy (Few People Do Them)
Ingo Philipp Excellent Testing
Irja Straus Becoming Heard As A Tester
James Bach Rich Test Data: An Example
James Espie Building a professional network
Janna Loeffler Blended Test Strategy - Humans, Bots, and Automation
Jennifer Bonine You Inc! Building your personal brand to accelerate your career
Jokin Aspiazu Jensen Testing Voicemod: Writing Selenium tests for a CEF App
Julia Pottinger Guide to creating your test automation strategy
Julie Gardiner Communication Skills - getting your message across
Kanwarpreet Singh Khurana Changing Face of Automation Testing
Karim ElKhashab Quality Assistance vs Quality Assurance
Karlo Smid The Rule Of Three
Karthik Sundararaman de Bono’s Thinking Hat Method for Risk Assessment
Kunal Ashar Importance of Wrapper Layer
Kushan Shalindra Amarasiri Being a competitive QA professional
Lalitkumar Bhamare Quality-conscious Software Delivery
Lavanya Mohan Quality is a Team Responsibility
Lee Hawkins Testing Is (Still) Not Dead
Lina Zubyte The best secret must-know practice
Lingesh Suresh Success mantra for newbie tester to overcome obstacles / fear
Luke Liu Make the testing community a better place
Maaret Pyhäjärvi Up Your Agency
Mahesh M Four areas of Next generation testing team
Manvi Sharma Octonary – A QX Automation Approach
Mariia Hutsuk Positive Thinking in Quality Assurance
Mayank Dikshit 2 Valuable But Neglected Skills For Test Professionals
Melissa Tondi Take Back the Driver’s Seat of your "Car"eer
Michael Bolton Lessons Learned in Grating Cheese
Michelle Chua How Can Usability Testing Help The Economy During This Pandemic?
Mike Lyles The Forensics of Testing
Mike Talks Integration Testing - a thought experiment
Nadia Soledad Cavalleri Testing applications for children
Nina Mučibabić API Testing in Startups using Postman
Parveen Khan Observability for testers
Pooja Shah Debug Thugs
Pramod Kumar Consumer Driven Contracts : TDD for Services
Raj Subrameyer Strategies to find your dream career
Ramit Kaul Empathy driven testing
Reza Taati How to interview software testers to hire the most talented one
Rihab Loukil What does it take to become a software testing expert?
Robert Meaney Testing in a complex world
Robert Sabourin Reality Driven Testing
Roman Podolyan The power of No
Sahithi Gundu Handling Dynamic Waits in Cypress Automation Tool
Sang Bui API Security Risks
Schalk Cronjé Test Fast. Test Local. Test AWS.
Sérgio Freire When can we make a release?
Shailesh Gohel Common Mistakes in Performance testing
Sharon O'Boyle Hardware and Software Testing - A Bird's eye view
Shmuel Gershon Bugs we may be missing
Shrinivas Kulkarni Foundational Skills for Testers
Siri Murthy Persona Based Holistic Testing - A killer way to bring perspective to testing!
Smita Kelkar How to mingle in the mighty IT jungle
Soumya Mukherjee "How to" Career Shift - Manual To Automation
Suci Istachotil Jannah QA Engineer Afterlife: “3 Essentials Things We Should Not Forget After Deployment Cycl…
Sumit Mundhada Visual Testing Are Your Ready?
Sundaresan Krishnaswami Essential Mathematics for Testers
Sunny Sachdeva How we Are improving our Automation Karma
Thanh To Overcome the trap of reproducing test failures with smart troubleshooting
Thomas Haver Example Mapping
Tomasz Konieczny Automated Tests as quality pipeline Data Feed
Vaishali Desarda So, When should we stop Testing?
Vijeta Tiwari Importance of Quality Assurance to a delivery team
Vikas Mittal Testing In Agile
Vinayak Titti Cypress E2E Automation
Zeger Van Hese Artful Testing

Nadchodzące wydarzenia

Testing Peers Conference 2025
Nottingham, Wielka Brytania
EuroSTAR 2025
Edynburg, Wielka Brytania
Robot Framework Conference 2025
Helsinki, Finlandia