Wrobocon - pierwsza konferencja w Polsce na temat Robot Framework'a

Wrobocon - pierwsza konferencja w Polsce na temat Robot Framework'a
Robot Framework jest technologią automatyzacji testów wspieraną przez Robot Framework Foundation i dużą międzynarodową społeczność testerów, developerów oraz użytkowników. Do tej pory w naszym kraju brakowało wydarzeń związanych z tą technologią - ale organizatorzy z Nice Project mają nadzieję położyć kres tej sytuacji.

Konferencja odbędzie się online 8 grudnia 2022, i będzie na niej gościć m.in. Miikka Solmela - dyrektor generalny Fundacji oraz Lina Zubyte - dyrektorka ds. jakości w firmie Doodle.

Organizatorzy przygotowali prelekcje praktyków RF z firm Nice Project oraz Capgemini. Standardowo będzie też okazja do wymiany kontaktów i networkingu.

Agenda konferencji:

  • 9:00 AM-9:15 AM - Opening statement|

    Warm welcome and a few words from the organizers

    Adam Hepner
    QA Lead at Nice Project
  • 9:15 AM-9:38 AM - About Robot Framework Foundation

    Miikka Solmela will share how the Robot Framework Foundation develops, supports and funds the Robot Framework tool, ecosystem and community. Moreover, he will enlighten some of the benefits of our open source community as well as how to contribute or join the Foundation.

    Miikka Solmela
    Executive Director of the Robot Framework Foundation
  • 9:38 AM-9:45 AM - Coffee break
  • 9:45 AM-10:28 AM - How minimalism helps build high-quality products

    “Let’s get a new tool, it will solve our problem” - when I hear this I cringe. I love tools, but a lot of times as humans we tend to overengineer, oversolutionize, and overcomplicate our situations with too quick solutioning. Do we even understand the problem well enough?

    Lina Zubyte
    Head of Quality at Doodle
  • 10:28 AM-10:35 AM - Coffee break
  • 10:35 AM-11:14 AM - Integrating Robot Framework and Ranorex

    The GUI testing is a known topic, it has many solution on how to approach it… But mainly for web applications and mobile apps. Solutions for desktop apps are not that obvious. One of the solution is Ranorex, a commercial tool.

    Thanks to integration of Ranorex with Robot Framework one can do more with Ranorex. Domain experts can write automated tests by themselves. The licenses can be used more efficiently. And that are only two examples.

    For more and how we did the integration, how our solution evolved - join me in this talk.

    Krzysztof Żminkowski
    Senior QA at Nice Project
  • 11:14 AM-11:25 AM - Coffee break
  • 11:25 AM-12:30 PM - Robot Framework Critique

    Robot Framework is an industry standard and versatile tool… or is it?

    How the tool is perceived by its community, and how its perceived by other specialist are often two completely different things.

    There are people who love RF, and there are people who hate it. What are the arguments, and what their merits? Maybe we’d all be better off just using some other tool? And most importantly - what can we, as a community - learn from the public discourse to be able to defend the case for Robot Framework where it makes sense, and make informed choice where applying RF would be detrimental.

    Adam Hepner
    QA Lead at Nice Project
  • 12:30 PM-1:30 PM - Lunch break
  • 1:30 PM-1:55 PM - Making your work easier with Robot Framework - RPA in the web

    Boring things that we need to do repetitively through the slow and cumbersome interfaces... Sounds familiar?

    For the sake of your mental health - try to automate it as soon as possible!

    On the real life example, I will describe to you, how I've managed to relieve myself from tedious gathering of Splunk's performance charts using Robot Framework, Python and Selenium. All nicely fit in the Gitlab CI/CD pipelines.

    Igor Czyrski
    Automating Tester at Nice Project
  • 1:55 PM-2:00 PM - Coffee break
  • 2:00 PM-2:21 PM - Clean up the mess and gain more time

    Clean up the mess and gain more time. Many times we have the impression that time is running out and we waste it doing small things or doing the same activities over and over again. Fixes for failing tests, analysis of report after nightly regression. The development of the test code, its modification is more challenging than we expected...

    It doesn't have to be that way though...

    In this speech, I will show you the elements that we introduced to our project life, which helped us not to waste time and focus on what is really important.

    Agnieszka Żminkowska
    Test Automation Team Leader at Capgemini
  • 2:21 PM-2:45 PM - Networking block
  • 3:15 PM-3:30 PM - Closing statement

    Summary and farewell, until the next time!

    Adam Hepner
    QA Lead at Nice Project

Zostań częścią społeczności Wrobocon.

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