SPARKcamp #3

SPARKcamp #3
Już za dokładnie tydzień rusza trzecie spotkanie SPARKcampu. Zapraszamy do Koszalina pasjonatów IT i nowoczesnych technologii.

Kiedy: 29.01.2015, godz. 18.00

Gdzie: Koszalin, ul. Grunwaldzka 1A, Minibrowar Kowal

Tematy prezentacji:

1. Are you aware of the gap? (Peter Horsten)

Organizations rely on IT for business-critical content, collaboration and process management. Meanwhile IT departments and/or providers seem not aware how critical their services are for the organization. At least this is what the business side claims. This misunderstanding is the gap in between business and IT that has to be bridged to make organizations succeed. It is critical to define the governance of service delivery, end-to-end, from the identification of a business need to the development, deployment, and maintenance of a service.

2. Startup - od czego zacząć i jak pozyskać inwestora dla swojego startupu? (Agata Turek)

3. Personal branding jako sposób na marketing (Marzena Zasińska-Igła)

4. (Jan Filipowiak)


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