Konferencja EuroSTAR 2012

Konferencja EuroSTAR 2012
EuroSTAR 2012 - najważniejsze, testerskie i do tego europejskie wydarzenie 2012 roku.


Już same tytuły warsztatów brzmią zachęcająco. Za nimi kryją się znane testerskie nazwiska:

Critical Thinking for Testers
Michael Bolton, DevelpSense, Canada

Lessons Learned in Test Management
Bob van de Burgt & Iris Pinkster O'Riordan, Professional Testing, Netherlands

Exploratory Test Design
Rikard Edgren, Qamcom Research & Technology, Sweden

Managing Successful Test Automation
Dorothy Graham, Independent Consultant, UK

Transitioning to Agile Testing
Janet Gregory, DragonFire Inc, Canada.

Games for Collaboration and Innovation
Tobias Mayer, Agile Thinking, USA

Right-sizing Test Documentation
Fiona Charles, Quality Intelligence, Canada

How to Create a Test Strategy
Paul Gerrard, Gerrard Consulting, UK

Selenium Clinic
Alan Richardson & Simon Stewart, Ind Consultant & Google, UK

Free and Cheap Test Tools
Randall Rice, Rice Consulting Services Inc, USA

Session Based Test Management
Michael D Kelly, DeveloperTown, USA


Prezentacji jest tak wiele, że trudno będzie zdecydować, którą ścieżkę wybrać.

Test Innovation for Everyone
Alan Page, Microsoft, USA

How to Regression Test a Billion Rows of Financial Data Every Sprint
Matthew Archer, Independent Consultant, UK

ISO 29119: The New International Software Testing Standard
Stuart Reid, TSG, UK

Automated, tool Independent Test Case Prioritization
Matthias Ratert, Secusmart GmbH, Germany

Value-Inspired Testing: Renovating Risk-Based Testing, and Innovating with Emergence
Neil Thompson, Thompson information Systems Consulting Ltd, UK

From Art to Rocket Science… Testers find your balance!
David Vandervoort, Nascom, Belgium

Testing Through the Qualitative Lens
Michael Bolton, DevelopSense, Canada

Changing Management Thinking
John Seddon, Vanguard, UK

Adventures in Test Automation – Breaking the Boundaries of Regression Testing
John Fodeh, Cognizant, Denmark

Agile Testing Isn’t Risking IT!
Bram Bronneberg, Logica, Netherlands

The Why of Scrum
Tobias Mayer, Independent Consultant, USA

Model-Based Testing for Integration Testing in Real Production
Olli-Pekka Puolitaival, F-Secure, Finland

Evolving Agile Testing
Fran O'Hara, Inspire Quality Services, Ireland

TDD - It is not Tester Driven Development!
Stephan Readman, Sopra Group & Kevin Campbell, Scottish Life, UK

15 Years of Evolving Model-Based Testing - An Experience Report
Stefan Mohacsi, Atos, Austria

Testers Agile Pocketbook
Stevan Zivanovic, BJSS, UK

What's in the Cloud for Testing, the Sky is the Limit
Edwin van Loon, Valid, Belgium

Crafting Our Own Models of Software Quality
Henrik Emilsson, Qamcom Research and Technology AB, Sweden

10 Great But Now Overlooked Tools
Graham Thomas, Independent Consultant, UK

Automation Frameworks - Don't Design, Let it Evolve
Anand Ramdeo, Atlantis Software Pvt Ltd, UK

Testing of Cloud Services; The Approach: From Risks to Test Measures
Kees Blokland & Jeroen Mengerink, Polteq, Netherlands

The Golden Age for Software Testing - What's Your Plan?
Frederic Beringer, SOASTA, France

Leveraging Defect Taxonomies for Testing: Results from a Case Study
Michael Felderer, QE LaB Business Services, Austria

Public Beta Testing (Test Culture, Evolved)
Seth Okai, RIBA Enterprises, UK

Agile Solutions – Leading with Test Data Management
Ray Scott, GT Agile, UK

Seven Questions to Help You on the Path of Testing
Jean-Paul Varwijk, Rabobank International, The Netherlands   

Why Every System Test Department Should Have a Test Developer (Or Two...)
Kristoffer Nordström, Softhouse Consulting, Sweden

What Agile Teams Can Learn From World of Warcraft
Alexandra Schladebeck, Bredex GmbH, Germany

Defect Sampling – An Innovation for Focused Testing
Randall Rice, Rice Consulting Services, Inc, USA

Limitations Are Few: Testing in a Medical Device Context
Ruud Cox, Improve Quality, The Netherlands

Testing the API Behind a Mobile App
Marc van 't Veer, Polteq, The Netherlands

Evolve Design for Testability to the Next Level
Peter Zimmerer, Siemens, Germany

Re-purposing Webdriver for Security Testing
Adrian Rapan, LMAX, UK

Lessons Learned from Software Testing at Startups
Michael D Kelly, DeveloperTown, USA

Mind, Map and Strategy - Mindmapping a Test Strategy
Fiona Charles, Quality Intelligence, Canada

Beyond Testing
Markus Gärtner, it-agile GmbH, Germany

Mappa Testi: A World View on Software Testing
Nathalie Rooseboom de Vries van Delft, Capgemini, Netherlands


Konferencja odbędzie się 5-8 listopada w Amsterdamie.

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