PTaQ #52

PTaQ #52
Zapraszamy na 52. spotkanie PTaQ. Tym razem tematyka będzie ściśle związana z bezpieczeństwem.

Kiedy: 22 maja (wtorek), godz. 18.00

Gdzie: Poznań, Kutrzeby 10, Collegium Da Vinci (mapa)

Rejestracja: Udział w spotkaniu jest bezpłatny i nie wymaga rejestracji

Tematy prezentacji:

Krzysztof Marciniak: Automating security for your profit (a.k.a. make everyone’s lifes easier)

There’s no doubt security is often given not that much attention. As security consultants we do encounter a lot of low-cost bugs and misconfigurations that could have been taken care of early on; this talk will be about fixing that, protecting your software at a relatively low cost at the same time making our (the security guys) lifes easier ????


Leszek Tasiemski: Cyber Landscape 2018


Cyber is everywhere. It’s the topic of main page of BBC News and coffee break discussions in a factory. We live in the times of increasingly interconnected and increasingly complex systems that are literally impossible to protect 100% against cyber attacks. This is well understood by countries’ intelligence agencies and military that increasingly invest into cyber warfare. Using data mining and AI we can change reality perception by societies. AI will soon drive our cars and decide if we get a loan. So, what if we poison it? How can we test if AI decisions are still sane? Internet of Things becomes natural part of our households – our robot vacuum cleaners are basically network-enabled computers on wheels and hackers like it a lot. What can we do? It’s impossible to be 100% safe, but that shouldn’t put us at ease. We, R&D people, should increasinly put focus not only to build robust solutions using traditional best standards like OWASP, but also take one step further and equip our solutions with anomaly detection capabilities so that unexpected behavior of the user will be reported no matter if it’s a known threat or not. We also need a completely new paradigm in testing Artificial Intelligence systems and design them in a more roubust way to prevent poisoning. We are at the very beginning on the long road of building Secure AI.


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