EuroSTAR 2015 - niespodzianka dla czytelników

EuroSTAR 2015 - niespodzianka dla czytelników
Jeżeli planujesz udział w tegorocznej edycji konferencji EuroSTAR, tylko do dziś masz szansę skorzystania z niższych cen pakietów konferencyjnych. Dodatkowo dla czytelników przygotowano specjalną niespodziankę.

Każdy z Was, kto powoła się na nasz portal i w formularzu rejestracyjnym poda kod TZ2015 otrzyma dodatkowe 10% rabatu.


A poniżej planowana agenda konferencji. Nasze typy zaznaczyliśmy pogrubioną czcionką.


2.11 - to całodniowe tutoriale

Root Causes of Agile Project Failures
Jeffery Payne, Coveros Inc, USA

Keys for Transitioning from Traditional to Agile Testing
Bob Galen, Velocity Partners, USA

Rapid Software Testing for Managers and Solo Testers
Michael Bolton, DevelopSense, Canada

Exploring Web App (In)Security
Bill Matthews, Target Testing Ltd, UK

Bulk Testing and Visualisation
James Lyndsay, Workroom Productions Ltd., UK

Communication Skills For Testers
Rob Lambert, NewVoiceMedia, UK


3.11 - półdniowe tutoriale

Management Game
Richard van Hooijdonk, Independent Consultant, Netherlands
Putting Models at the Heart of Testing
Paul Gerrard, Gerrard Consulting, UK

Implementing a Crowd Sourced Testing Effort
Rajini Padmanaban, QA InfoTech, India

Rainmaking for Testers - How to Make a Difference
Julie Gardiner, Hitachi Consulting, UK

Security - to be announced
Paco Hope, Cigital, UK

Survival Techniques for Testers: Beyond the T-Shape
Derk-Jan de Grood, Valori, Netherlands
Jan Jaap Cannegieter, Sysqa, Netherlands


3.11 - popołudniowe prezentacje [w agendzie jest i polski akcent]

Opening Remarks, Programme Chair
Ruud Teunissen

Keynote 1 - TRENDZ 2030
Richard van Hooijdonk, Independent Consultant, Netherlands

The App is not Enough - Testing Wearable Banking
Carl Johnson, SOCO Norge AS, Norway

Transforming Business Users into Test Drivers
Claire Goss, RaboDirect, Ireland
The Coffee Cup is Mightier Than the Keyboard
Martin Nilsson, House of Test, Sweden
Can Testers Lead DevOps Adoption? - Yes We Can!
Sujay Honnamane, Cognizant Technology Solutions, USA

Mobile Testing: One Step Forward or Two Steps Back?
Susan van de Ven, Marktplaats (eBay Classifieds), Netherlands
End-users: Involved at last!
Michał Stryjak, PiLab, Poland

Effective Writing and Testing of User Stories
Fran O'Hara, Inspire Quality Services, Ireland

Mutation Testing - Better Software Through Automated Defect Injection
Seb Rose, Claysnow, UK
Keynote 2 - Kanban Testing and Lego
Kristoffer Nordström, Northern Test Consulting AB, Sweden


4.11 - konferencja (polskie akcenty)

Keynote 3 - Test Automation: The DevOps Achilles Heel
Jeffery Payne, Coveros Inc, USA

Integrating Beta Community Testing into Development using Gamification
Jana Gierloff, InnoGames, Germany

Everything I Know About Testing I Learned from the Scientific Method
Paul Coyne, Clydesdale Bank plc, UK
Becoming A Manager - Some ideas for Those Who Are New to Management
Rob Lambert, NewVoiceMedia, UK

Test Automation: A Prerequisite in a Fast Growing Development Organization
Joost van Wollingen,, Netherlands
Elise van Krevelen,, Netherlands
Testing A 4G Cellular Network
Wojciech Anzel, Nokia Networks, Poland
Norbert Chocko, Nokia, Poland

Quality Debt: Is Your Project Going Bankrupt?
Jordan Setters, Planit Software Testing LTD, New Zealand
Why I Lost My Job As a Test Manager and What I Learnt As a Result
Stephen Janaway, NET-A-PORTER GROUP, UK
Champions League Test Automation - Our 11 Key Players
Matthias Ratert, PROGNOST Systems GmbH, Germany
Manuel Meiners, PROGNOST Systems GmbH, Germany
Demystifying Embedded Software
Shmuel Gershon, Intel, Israel
Measured Perception of Quality - The True Quality Metric
Ronnie Østgaard, Sopra Steria, Norway
The 2015 Survival Guide: Lessons for Testing in the Wild
Julie Gardiner, Hitachi Consulting, UK

Automation in Testing
Richard Bradshaw, Friendly Testing Limited, UK
Testing with a Zone Defense
Pamela Gillaspie, TestPlant, USA

Amplify Your Test Effectiveness with High-Volume Automation
Harry Robinson, Serious Quality LLC, USA
Let's talk about the ISO 29119 Standards
Stuart Reid, Independent Consultant, UK
Anne Mette Hass, NNIT, Denmark

My Top 10 Mistakes Testing with Agile
Kevin Harris, NewVoiceMedia, UK

Goal Stories - “ Think about the why!"
Bram Bronneberg, CGI, Netherlands
Your Testing is a Joke
James Thomas, Linguamatics, UK

Using Docker/Software Containers for Automated Testing
Pini Reznik, Container Solutions, Netherlands
Just One Slide Inspired Me To Be a Better Coach for Testers in Agile teams
Grace O'Mahony, Openet, Ireland

How My Test Strategy Made a Difference
Jurian van de Laar, Philips Healthcare, Netherlands

Testing your Marriage
René Tuinhout, Piqto, Netherlands

Marketing the Testing Walk
Thomas Petersen, Unity Technologies, Denmark

Lightning Strikes the Keynotes @ EuroSTAR


5.11 - konferencja i warsztaty

Keynote 4 - Growing From a Reckless Bughunter to a Stakeholder Conversationalist
Rikard Edgren, LearningWell, Sweden

Snappy Visualizations for Test Communication
Thomas Vaniotis, Liquidnet, USA

Virtualizing APIs for Better App Testing
Lorinda Brandon, SmartBear Software, USA

Test Process Improvement - How Hard Can It Be?
Geoff Thompson, Experimentus, UK

Progress Report: A Principles Based Test Framework
Iain McCowatt, Barclays, UK

How We Fool Ourselves - Cognitive Biases in Testing
Esko Arajärvi, SSH Communications Security, Finland

Performance Engineering of Mobile Apps - Not the Old Wine in New Bottle
Vijayanand Chelliahdhas, HCL Technologies, USA

No More Exploratory Testing
Michael Bolton, DevelopSense, Canada

To Each His Own - How Needs Dictate the Tools
Martin Pihl, Konsultbolag1, Sweden

Wild West Security
Paco Hope, Cigital, UK

Closing Remarks
Ruud Teunissen

Active Workshop
Inside a Tester's mind: Focusing and Defocusing
Shmuel Gershon, Intel, Israel

Test Design Made Easy (and Fun!)
Rik Marselis, Sogeti, Netherlands


How To Successfully Submit to EuroSTAR
Ruud Teunissen          




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