PTaQ #18 - zaproszenie na spotkanie

PTaQ #18 - zaproszenie na spotkanie
Już 4 listopada o godzinie 18:00 odbędzie się osiemnaste spotkanie PTaQ.
Kiedy? 4 listopada (wtorek), start godz. 18.00
Gdzie? Siedziba firmy Wikia: Malta House (II piętro), ul. Baraniaka 6.
W trakcie spotkania będziemy mogli wysłuchać dwóch debiutów. Obie prezentacje odbędą się w języku angielskim. 
Lukasz Jedrzejczak: "Automation of Android native apps using Robotium and Monkey" 
"I've worked in Wikia since July 2013. I started as an intern without big technical knowledge, as I graduated Civil Engineering and never studied IT related fields, but after two months of learning and hard working I was hired as full-time employee. Now, after over a year, I can say that I became a huge passionate of testing. I specialize in Mobile native apps testing and I'm responsible for automation of almost 50 Android and iOS applications which belong to Wikia."
Rodrigo Molinero: "Mobile Web test automation"
Rationale behind selecting tool for mobile web automation, test automation planning and real life example running. 
"Hey!! My name is Rodrigo and I've been working in Wikia for the past 3 years. I began studying Business Informatics in the city I was born, Madrid, but finished off in Copenhagen and then Poznan. Although when I arrived we were only 2 QAs, the importance of QA within the company and their serious responsibility has grown through time and now we are actually 9. Currently, I am the QA Lead for the Mobile Web Team as we are creating a new Test Automation Plan for our future mobile skin."

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