ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119-1: Concepts & Definitions - pierwsza część normy testowania oprogramowania

ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119-1: Concepts & Definitions - pierwsza część normy testowania oprogramowania
Pierwsza część normy ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119-1 ma pomóc w zrozumieniu całej serii standardów 29119. Znajdziemy tu zarówno słownik, jak i użycie poszczególnych praktyk.

Część pierwsza ma charakter informacyjny i dostarcza definicji, opisu koncepcji testowania oprogramowania oraz dróg prowadzących do wdrożenia procesu.


Na ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119-1 składają się następujące tematy:

    5.1 Introduction to Software Testing
        5.1.1 The Role of Testing in Verification and Validation
        5.1.2 Exhaustive Testing
        5.1.3 Testing as a Heuristic

    5.2 Software Testing in an Organizational and Project Context
        5.2.1 The Test Process

    5.3 Generic Testing Processes in the Software Life cycle
        5.3.1 Development Project Sub-processes and their Results
        5.3.2 On-going Maintenance and its Results
        5.3.3 Support Processes for the Software Development Life Cycle

    5.4 Risk-based Testing
        5.4.1 Using Risk-Based Testing in the Organizational Test Process
        5.4.2 Using Risk-Based Testing in the Test Management processes
        5.4.3 Using Risk-Based Testing in the Dynamic Testing processes

    5.5 Test Sub-process
        5.5.1 Test Objectives
        5.5.2 Test Item
        5.5.3 Testing of Quality Characteristics
        5.5.4 Test Basis
        5.5.5 Retesting and Regression Testing
        5.5.6 Test Design Techniques

    5.6 Test Practices
        5.6.1 Introduction
        5.6.2 Requirements-Based Testing
        5.6.3 Model-Based Testing
        5.6.4 Mathematical-Based Testing
        5.6.5 Experience-Based Testing
        5.6.6 Scripted and Unscripted Testing

    5.7 Automation in Testing

    5.8 Defect Management

    Annex A (informative) The Role of Testing in Verification and Validation

    Annex B (informative) Metrics and Measures
        B.1 Metrics and Measures

    Annex C (informative) Testing in Different Life Cycle Models
        C.1 Overview

        C.2 Agile Development and Testing
            C.2.1 Agile Development Principles
            C.2.2 Test Management in Agile Development
            C.2.3 Test Sub-processes in Agile Development

        C.3 Sequential Development and Testing
            C.3.1 Sequential Development Principles
            C.3.2 Test Management in Sequential Development
            C.3.3 Test Sub-processes in Sequential Development

        C.4 Evolutionary Development and Testing
            C.4.1 Evolutionary Development Principles
            C.4.2 Test Management in Evolutionary Development
            C.4.3 Test Sub-processes in Evolutionary Development




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