Testowanie Big Data

Testowanie Big Data
Czy testowanie big data jest trudne?

Lyna wprowadza nas w fascynujący świat testowania sklepów z ciuchami i butami.



Data and web services are bigger than ever and Big Data requires Big Testing. Big data product testing is definitely challenging: in such a massive amount of data, issues can be very complex, hard to find and some of them may even be hidden within unprocessed data.

A couple of years ago, I made a drastic career change: from a manual software tester in a big company, I became the first full time tester for a data driven merchandising tools startup. The first product I had to test was a web service which predicts shoppers' perfect size on e-commerce websites. Surprisingly, this little web service turned out to be fueled by staggering amounts of BIG data. Being new to the world of data driven products, I felt overwhelmed at the start, but, nevertheless, I dived in and slowly but surely learned how to find my way around an area that was a black box to me.

In this session, I will share the story of my progression from a manual UI tester to a data-savvy tester capable of interpreting huge chunks of data. I will talk about the stress of facing such an imposing challenge and how professionally rewarding it was when I finally managed to get to know the beast that is Big Data by finding the right tool. Finally, I will also talk about how understanding the data gave me a better insight into the product itself and helped me to become a better and more pro-active tester.


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Komentarze Redakcji testerzy.pl:

  • Ta ciekawa historia zaczyna się od dwóch podejść do testowania i zupełnie innego, polskiego postrzegania testowania.
  • Nawet jeśli nie testowaliście do tej pory big data, po tej prezentacji poczujecie, że chcecie tego spróbować.
  • Nie lubicie zakupów? No to polubicie testowanie sklepów internetowych.
  • Monitorowanie produkcji pozwala nam raportować defekty w czasie rzeczywistym.
  • Poznanie aktywności i zaznajomienie się ze środowiskiem pracy użytkowników pozwala nam lepiej dobierać priorytety w testowaniu.
  • Zakupy w Tesli? Możliwe.
  • Takie prezentacje ogląda się po to, aby otworzyć sobie oczy na inne projekty, produkty lub organizacje.


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