TestDive 2018 - mówcy, prezentacje i rejestracja

TestDive 2018 - mówcy, prezentacje i rejestracja
Organizatorzy opublikowali kolejne informacje o wydarzeniu.

Na TestDive w 2018 roku zobaczymy i posłuchamy:

  • Michał Sajdak - "Hacking IoT"
  • Tomasz Dubikowski - "7 Deadlier Sins of Quality"
  • Joel Oliveira - "IoT? What does it mean for Tester?"
  • Dawid Bałut - "DevSecOps implementation, i.e. how to convert software engineers into security advocates!"
  • Krystian Kaczor - "Testing in Agile, Agile Tester? What does tester do in Agile Sprint?"
  • Aleksandar Ristić - "Testing - expense or investment"
  • Karolina Zmitrowicz - "If you cannot measure it you cannot control it - measuring quality of requirements"
  • Petra Boušková - "Motivated in all career stages - A Software Testers Tale?"
  • Ewa Marchewka - "Why testing is important? 6 software catastrophes and how they could have been avoided"
  • Grzegorz Latuszek - "Slow Food, Slow Code "


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