Już 4 lipca gorąco zapraszamy na XVI spotkanie PTaQ. Dlaczego warto poświęcić piątkowy wakacyjny wieczór? Na pewno dla naszych gości z Hamburga, którzy przygotowali dla nas aż trzy prezentacje (na pewno każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie). Uwaga - prezntacje będą po angielsku.
No i oczywiście networking - jak zawsze w Cognifide będzie czekać pełna lodówka napojów, które schłodzą gorące dyskusje.
Kiedy? 4 lipca (piątek), start o godz. 18.00
Gdzie? Cognifide Polska, ul. Murawa 12-18 (
Dla kogo? Dla wszystkich. Spotkania są darmowe i nie ma potrzeby wcześniejszych rejestracji.
Rainar Ütt has been working in IT industry for more than 10 years, has got experience with various aspects, such as software development, support, system and infrastructure administration, automation. Since 2006 in Test / Quality management domain, in companies such as: Playtech (http://www.playtech.com) , Unibet (https://www.unibet.com), InnoGames (http://www.innogames.com). He is a huge fan of continuous delivery and automation.
A journey through online games quality assurance - Game development is one of the largest IT sectors worldwide. The prediction is, that it will reach $111 billion by the year 2015. According to Gartner 72% of players are playing online. This presentation will take you on a journey through the game development lifecycle and introduce, what is import_ant at what stage.
Robert Grzeskowiak is an experienced QA Automation Developer working at InnoGames GmBH. He is responsible for automation process in the company and building up the automation itself. Robert has been working on automation of browser online games (based on html and flash technologies) and mobile games (iOS & Android). Previously he worked at Cognifide where he learnt a lot about testing, automation and CQ.
Test automation of online games - approaches, ideas, problems we are facing with. Presentation says about technical and management aspects of automation in online games industry.
Dominika Borgosz is responsible for Community Management at InnoGames GmbH. She has been working for the company since 2006. She supported Community Management, Product Management and Localization in all development stages - from the startup phase to the middle sized stage. She has been dealing with teams working on a virtual basis and is responsible right now for 11 inhouse managers and 160 external community managers.
Leading of a virtual team - challenges and specifics compared to the leadership in a traditional company.