PtaQ #50

PtaQ #50
Najstarszy polski meetup testerski zbiera się po raz pięćdziesiąty! To niesamowita okazja do spotkania i porozmawiania o testowaniu. Na tą specjalną okazję pojawi się specjalny gość z Dublina - Colin O'Brien, który miał wpływ na rozwój środowiska testerów w Poznaniu.
Kiedy: 13 marca, (wtorek), godz. 18.00
Gdzie: Poznań, Murawa 12-18 (Cognifide)
Rejestracja jest wymagana: do wzięcia jest 90 darmowych wejściówek poprzez 

Tematy prezentacji:

1. Historia PTaQ w 5 minut - Alek, Michał, Robert, Zbyszek

2. Ryanair's Digital Transformation - Quality Assuring Europe's Favourite - ColinO'Brien

Airline's software solutions Exploring the advent of Ryanair Labs, the technology & tools at the heart of Ryanair's digital transformation and how BDD methods in QA are helping to drive the quality agenda.

ColinO'Brien is a career tester who brings his 20 year QA experience to Ryanair Labs, a tech company with an airline attached. Colin is the Head of QA & Change Control at Ryanair Labs with responsibility for assuring the quality of software solutions developed for Europe's favourite airline.

3. The Quality, or There and Back Again - Adam Makarowicz

Let's take a look how the process of quality assurance has evolved in Cognifide. I would like to take you on a journey through the transformation of quality assurance process in our company from the dinosaurs to the electrically driven car sent into space. The short history from script approach to exploratory testing, from Testers to Quality Assurance Engineers, from manual to automated approach, from Quality Assurance to Quality Assistance, from Continuous Integration to Continuous Delivery and many other elements of our software quality path. Have we found an ideal and bulletproof Quality Assurance process? Has the evolution finished? If not, what's next?

Adam Makarowicz - Principal Quality Assurance Engineer in Cognifide. 8 years of experience in software testing. A highly motivated person who always tries to find the most effective solution in any situation. Working closely with clients to overcome their difficulties and help them to reach their business goals. Swiftly changing hats of QA Lead, Technical Lead, Business Analyst to learn, share and accommodate project and company needs.

4. Your delivery pipelines as code - Jenkins Pipelines in action! - Michał Krzyżanowski

Modern development approaches such as Continuous Delivery challenge the way we define and execute our software delivery pipelines. Increasing complexity of build, deployment and release procedures of our applications asks us to review the way we use our tools. From QA perspective these are also essential aspects - when we know and understand HOW we build the software we are supposed to test, we can then increase the confidence in its overall quality.

I'd like to show you what I have learned about Jenkins Pipelines, the way of implementing pipeline-as-code in one of the most popular build systems. It won't be a lecture only, as there is action in the title, prepare yourself for some live coding involving spinning up Jenkins on Docker, writing Jenkins files, a Shared Library and running Selenium tests on Zalenium.

Michał Krzyżanowski (called as AutomatingGuy) - an experienced Senior QA Engineer. At Cognifide as a QA Lead, he is responsible for quality-related aspects of the projects from their definition to their very end. Technical testing, Continuous Delivery and Test-/DevOps enthusiast. In his work, he always tries to change the good solutions for even better ones and to automate not only tests. Speaker at Testwarez, PTaQ and PaprzyQarz meetups